Thursday, June 26, 2014

Biking and Bullfighting in Sevilla

3rd day June 15th

Biking and Bullfighting in Sevilla 

Sevilla is an extremely bike-friendly city with many designated bike lanes. In fact, in the downtown area there are no cars other than taxis and a fast moving streetcar. We remark on how the lack of cars makes everything seem so much more relaxing and quiet. There is also a public bike-sharing program that John decides to utilize.

We leave in the cool of the morning for one of these bike-sharing places and find only one bike left on the stand. John spends 45 minutes trying to figure out the bike system map and where we can find other bike parking lots.  Eventually we walk to another lot that has more bikes and spend another 20 minutes trying to register.  John is finally rewarded by getting the first bike and putting in a deposit of 150 euros. However, we are unsuccessful in getting access to another bike as our credit cards are denied. Perhaps someone is trying to give me a message?  In the end, John takes off for a bike ride.  I am disappointed and walk back to the hotel wondering if John planned this on purpose.

Searching Rick Steve's travel guide I find I can rent a bike from BiciBike and they offer to bring the bike to the hotel. I am so excited and soon I am on a simple black bike feeling like Mary Poppins. This bike has a basket for my camera and purse and no gears. I am unshackled and free to go at my own pace. I bike down along the river which is full of Sunday morning joggers and promenade walkers as well as kayak rowers and fishermen who look like they have had courses in mindfulness. 

There is even an exercise program going on with great music and I am tempted to join the group.  

It is very peaceful and I ride so far that I have gone beyond my map.  It is an easy ride even in the 100 degrees heat because there are no hills and it is straightforward.

No I don’t have a helmet on because when the man brought me the bike he said I needed to order that first.  Bike helmets can be rented but I notice most people don’t wear them and the bike trails are free from problems with traffic ~ even walkers have their own walking lanes. I love it!

A few hours later I meet John at the hotel and we compare notes about our adventures.  The man in the hotel tells me I should stop biking until 9 pm because it is dangerously hot to bike.  Nevertheless we set out on our bikes for Old Town. 

We find a lovely restaurant on a side street known for its tuna.  Our delightful young waiter from Brazil explains the particular tastiness of tuna meat taken from the area just behind the fish head. Before long we are talking about the World Cup.  I would give this restaurant high marks except that the music is Christmas melodies and I long for Spanish music.

Plaza de Espana ~ 

John and I bike to this park and pavilion because John had seen it on his ride in the morning.  This square and buildings are the remains of the 1929 international expo. 
It has a huge fountain and its tiles, the trademark of Sevilla, have historic scenes from all over Spain. There is even a river circling the fountain where you can rent boats.  Reminds me of a bit of Venice.

John convinces me to bike back with him to the bull-fighting arena in order for him to get his ticket for the event. As you may recall from my earlier blog of the bull fighting museum I have refused to go to this event. I wait 20 minutes guarding our bikes while John negotiates with the ticket man showing him his I-pad to prove he has purchased the tickets on-line. Somehow technology did not show him as paid. Back at the hotel we sit in the restaurant for a snack before he leaves for the bullfight. Luckily we get the same Dutch waiter we had the night before and talk more soccer-talk about who will win. We don't discuss bull fighting. 

Beautiful Fountain Near Hotel
My evening is relaxed in the hotel room with the windows open to the courtyard so I can listen to the pianist that John doesn’t like because he doesn’t play Spanish music but rather American style elevator fare. I think I am in heaven when the song Moon River is played several times and am very content getting caught up on my blogging and reflection of my time in Sevilla. 

John gets back from the bull-fighting event at 10:30 and we go out in the now 80+ coolness for an ice cream. The city has become wonderfully alive again with the cooler weather and we think this is our favorite city. I wish I could stay to do more bike riding and am reluctant to leave in the morning. Although John was glad he went to the bullfight, I am glad I didn’t go.

John plans on his I-pad our next day's speed train ride to Madrid.
I am glad I am married to a tour guide, even though I don't agree with everything he plans.

John Planning the Next Day to Madrid 

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